Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Canyonlands Half Marathon: Done

2:28:37 -- not amazing but I'll sure take it! My time last year was 2:34:13.

Next please.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week 10 Question Mark

I'm losing steam, that's for sure. My mileage this week was pretty dismal. Finals are coming up, after all. But I need to recommit, decide if I actually want to do this again. Last time I tried for a half marathon, it was about at this point that I really ramped up my workouts and ended up injured. I know I don't want to do that again. But maybe it's okay if I walk it? I don't know. My other predicament is timing, of course, since it looks like we're moving the weekend of the Helvetia Half. Hm. I'm tempted to just stick to 5k's for a while longer, but I don't know when I would really be ready to jump to the half. Any suggestions?

My week in numbers:

Total miles for the week: 2.07
Total cumulative miles: 45.13
      3/9: Pilates
      3/13: 2.07 walk

Good luck, Gent! Post pics when you're done.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

T-minus One Week

One week until the Canyonlands Half Marathon. Will I survive? Stay tuned...

In other news, I'm sure you've heard about how you're supposed to "taper" your workouts and distances in the 1-2 weeks prior to a big race. This helps your muscles (which have torn during the previous months of training) heal and recover and become officially conditioned for the upcoming distances.

HOWEVER, the coolest thing ever is a phenomenon that can happen called "phantom aches" -- depending on how regular your training sessions were, your body most likely has developed a sort of addiction to the activity. During these taper weeks, your body goes through a withdrawal and starts to crave that increased level of activity. You might feel like certain muscles and joins are sore or achy but it's quite possible that it's just these phantom aches: your body's way of telling your brain to EXERCISE ME! Is the human body the coolest thing ever or what?

So, this week being my taper week, I am trying to restrain myself from running more than 3 miles (who would have ever thought those words would come from me?). I'm also hoping that my achy hip and knees are just phantom aches. I'm not 90 years old YET.

Don't worry though, because the forecast for Moab next Saturday is 50 degrees and sunny!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 9 Injury Report

I haven't been able to run at all this last week because my left knee and hip are killing me. Doesn't hurt when I walk, but as soon as I pick up the pace, I hear about it. I also missed out on Pilates because I had to take Neil's homework to him (he left it on the kitchen table). But I am going tomorrow. All in all, not a bad week, as I was able to up my mileage considerably. Here's the numbers:

Total miles for the week: 6.37
Total cumulative miles: 43.06
      3/2: 2.5 walk
      3/3: 0.93 walk
      3/5: 2.94 walk

Anyone else? How's the training going, Ma? Gent, are you ready for your early half? Carole, are you out there?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 8 A Day Late and a Dollar Short

This is late, so I'll keep it to the point. I'm having a hard time pushing myself to increase mileage, intensity. Here's what I did this week:

Total miles for the week: 3.9
Total cumulative miles: 36.69
      2/23: Pilates + 2.4 treadmill
      2/26: 1.5 walk

Maybe this week will be better. I just hope the rain stays away a few more days.