Sunday, January 10, 2010

Race ya to the finish

Since I'm doing the Canyonlands Half in Moab, UT on March 20th, I'm on a tighter schedule than everyone else... so consider yourself lucky. Yesterday was my 9 week mark til the (first) big race. My only goal is to beat my last year's time of 2:34... Hopefully since I've already been training this will be possible.

My training schedule is here (except my days will be swapped). It was a rough week getting back into the swing of things, but I ran a total of 17 miles.

From my vast (HA!) running experience, I'm learning the importance of the following things:

healthy eating
(and boy have I been HUNGRY the more I run)

plenty of rest

drinking lots and lots... of water that is.


  1. Does that mean your number was chosen or whatever? Wasn't it a lottery deal? Good luck!

  2. Yup, it was a lottery. I was secretly hoping I wouldn't get chosen but alas I did. So, to the gym I shall go...
